Careers at Magzter
Who We Are
87+ MILLION people have so far chosen Magzter as their digital reading destination
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Life at Magzter
There is no scarcity of fun and frolic at Magzter. We don’t miss even the slightest opportunity to celebrate and have fun together. Well, that’s what you can expect from an office that has a foosball table at its heart!

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Who We are
Love Your Mondays
Our vibrant work culture and flexible policies will not only help you push your boundaries and achieve your professional goals faster but also make the entire process an enjoyable ride!
Employee Wellness and Engagement
Frequent in-person and virtual engagement activities for our employees to unwind and rejuvenate – foosball & badminton tournaments, marathons, mystery rooms, town hall sessions, weekend getaways to resorts and what not! We also conduct employee wellness initiatives such as physiotherapy classes and yoga sessions, and provide volunteer time off to employees to help them give back to society.
Period Leave
Diversity and inclusion mean a lot to us. We take pride in being one of the first few companies to have come up with the menstrual leave policy in India. Designed to give our women employees the necessary time off to cater to their health when needed, during their menstrual cycle, we provide 12 days of paid leave under this policy for our female associates.
Adoption/Surrogacy Leave
We also provide adoption and surrogacy leave of up to 3 months for female employees, paternity and adoption leave of up to 15 days for male employees.
Comprehensive Health Coverage
Group medical insurance and group accident cover to all our employees and their immediate dependents, COVID-19 insurance cover and reimbursement of vaccination charges.
Monetary Benefits and Perks
Free Magzter GOLD subscription to all our employees and their family members, rewards on birthdays, work anniversaries and on completing important milestones, employee referral bonus scheme, yearly performance appraisal and compensation revision, performance-linked incentives and variable pay for specific roles.
Learning and Development Opportunities
Extensive learning opportunities through regular corporate and in-house training sessions, and company-sponsored courses based on interests and domain requirements.
Inclusiveness and Flexibility
Flexible work timings and inclusive work culture, floater leave policy to ensure that all our employees celebrate special occasions according to their values and beliefs.
Fresh Opportunities
Backend Engineer
IOS Developer
Publishing Support Executive
QA Lead
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